HomeQuestions about AikidoLinks.
We offer you a selection of links to some online resources about Aikido and martial arts, as well as links to some sports sites and to the websites of our friends and partners.
The Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo is an International Centre in Tokyo for study and popularization of Aikido. Aikikai Fundation was organized by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) and was headed by him until he died. Therefore Aikido is an official successor of this martial art and is as close as possible to exactly that Aikido which Ueshiba himself taught during his last years.
The Belarusian Aikido Federation (BAF) is public organisation, formed in April, 1995, is officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of Belarus. BFA objective is dissemination of Aikido, as practice of moral and physical discipline aimed at complete development of a person.
The Karate Blog. Here's everything you need to know about this martial art: tips on how to practice karate to improve your existing skills, advice on buying the necessary equipment, and sharing experience and knowledge of karate masters.
The Centre of Aikido and Ju-Jutsu Gosinkan officially represents interests of international organizations and martial arts schools and provides training in the following areas of martial arts: Bushinkai ju-jutsu (Bushinkai International), Seikai Judokai ju-jutsu (Seikai Judokai), Brazilian jiu-jitsu of Andre Monteiro (Karlsson Gracie Revolution Department), Motoha-Yoshin-ryu ju-jutsu, Dzhukoshin-ryu ju-jutsu, Daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu Takumakai, Real Aikido (WCRA).
See also