HomeTypical questions about Aikido.
Here the most frequently asked questions about Aikido, Mumonkan club, the training process and martial arts are given.
- About Aikido.
- About Mumonkan club.
- About equipment for Aikido.
1. Questions about Aikido and martial arts

What is Aikido?
Aikido is a martial art created by O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba in the 30-ies, XX century. In a broader sense Technically Aikido is a synthesis of various martial arts and it is based on a principle of use of force and inertia of the opponent against himself.
It allows quick and effective neutralization of the conflict. Aikido is not just a style, it is a principle of action in any conflict, which allows you to maintain a balance of forces in motion, carrying out continuous control over actions of the opponent.
The Aikido inscription is made up of three hieroglyphs: Ai-Ki-Do. Ai hieroglyph is harmony, Ki is the energy of spirit or life energy, Do is the way. Thus, Aikido maybe translated as "Way of harmony of spirit". More details »
In Mumonkan Aikido Club each person who wants to practice Aikido should have a medical certificate where the following should be specified: "Has no medical contraindications for practicing Aikido". More details »
Are there any age restrictions for practicing Aikido?
Any person can start practicing Aikido. There is no upper age limit. The uniqueness of Aikido is in the fact that you can start practicing it at any age. However, you have to understand that the most impressive results you can achieve if you start at school or when a teenager. Trainings in Mumonkan Aikido Club are not permitted for children under 10 years old.
With what level of fitness you can start practicing Aikido?
It is possible to start Aikido training with any level of physical condition. The training program is based on a build-up technique, the dynamic and intensive tasks are sandwiched with the calmer ones. As a result, your body adapts gradually to more physically complicated techniques and exercises. Besides, with the help of Aikido you can improve your physical state considerably. So do not hesitate to call and come to our trainings.
No. There are no sparrings in Aikido. It is necessary to understand, that Aikido is not a sport. It has neither rules no limits. That's why we practice randori at our trainings. More details »
Is Aikido effective against kick-attack?
Everything depends on Aikido teaching methods. For example, in our club karate is included in the training program. Therefore, we teach the techniques of kick-attacks, as well as the techniques of protection against them.
Any budo can be used in a street fight. However the effectiveness of your actions is defined not only by the system, but more likely by the interaction of the three factors. More details »
Different instructors teach differently. So what is the right path to follow?
The correct path is the one that suits you.
Of numerous books on Aikido, we chose those with which we recommend you to get started first of all. More details »
We offer you a selection of links to some online resources about Aikido and martial arts, as well as links to some sports sites and to the websites of our friends and partners. More details »2. Questions about Mumonkan club and the training process
There are several mandatory rules in Aikido which may seem somehow unusual for Europeans, but nevertheless they are necessary to observe at trainings. More details »
So, you have decided to come to the Mumonkan club to your first Aikido training. We'll provide you with a few simple guidelines and tips that will allow you to quickly get used to the unusual conditions. More details »
Aikido trainings begin with a greeting – a mutual bow. The sensei and the students bow to each other. Students say: "Onegai shimasu", which means please allow me to practice with you. Then a warm-up begins. More details »
Work with bokken, jo, tanto is studied at trainings in Mumonkan Aikido Club. Besides the classical work with weapons Katori Shinto-ryu techniques is studied in our club. More details »
Our programs are based on the requirements of the World Centre of Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo. However, the Mumonkan Aikido Club examination program is broader and includes a number of additional requirements that are not in the Hombu Dojo grading examination system. More details »
The emblem of Mumonkan Aikido Club is based on combination of three geometric figures – a triangle, a circle and a square. Since these are the three most perfect proportions, in combination of which the integrity of Aikido philosophy is reflected. More details »3. Questions about equipment for Aikido
When choosing a kimono for everyday training in Aikido you should usually be guided by three parameters: the height of a man, the density and type of fabric. More details »
There are several ways of tying the obi. Here we show one of the most common ways. The advantage of it is that the knot will be strong and flat. More details »
If you want your kimono to be in use for as long as possible and you want to look fresh and neat at Aikido trainings, you need to know how to take care of your kimono properly. More details »See also